Our organization has come into existence by the culmination of the affection people have for MSRTC and as a result of the common hobby of our members. Interesting information about this organization is available on our website. From the below mentioned points, the cause of our organization can be understood:

Making our hobby useful for the general public
Developing a hobby gives utmost pleasure and relaxation to the mind. It make a person happy and is like a detour to the hectic lifestyle which he or she follows. Similar is the case of the members of this group. That is the reason that this organization has been developed as a means to use our hobby for the betterment of public transport and indirectly to help the general public lead an easier life
Our organization has a number of members from different age groups and from different walks of life. The cross section of members includes Students, Businessmen, Doctors, Engineers, Architects and many more. But the common thread that ties all of us together is MSRTC.
Some of us like to click MSRTC buses, some like to draw and sketch buses. Some like to collect tickets, passes, bus numbers etc and many such enthusiastic members for this organization called BusForUs. Never before was it ever anticipated that this hobby will grow so huge to include so many different things having MSRTC at centre stage. We carried out our activities religiously and we were blessed by the support of passengers.
May it be the STVishwa exhibition which showcases the history of MSRTC which gathered record breaking number of pepole in districts like Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Kolhapur, Sindhudurg or the Green Tourism concept where a bus is taken on casual contract and all members venture out for a trip during the monsoon season or putting up a stall at any Auto Expo or exhibition- we were blessed by tremendous support and goodwill for our cause from the general public and passengers.
If you people have any other amazing ideas which can be used for promoting public transport then do connect with us. We would not mind doing a collaboration with you.
An opportunity to work on a unique subject like MSRTC.
In our country public transport and specifically MSRTC is a subject which has been often ignored. People dread the prospect of travelling by public transport citing various reasons.
Our organization strives to change this image of MSRTC in our state and to strengthen this public transport system. To attain this goal a number of different activities are carried year round. Green tourism,Wari STpreminchi are some of them. Apart from this during days of holidays, or festivals we have in the past set up Passenger help desks to assist passengers
While undertaking all these activities a number of questions like -How does MSRTC function? What is the structural organization of MSRTC? What are the different things that the staff have to go through on a daily basis? are answered.
So those interested and enthusiastic people who would like to work on such varied subjects related to MSRTC can become a part of our organization.
To work for strengthening public transport as a whole for environmental conservation
Over the years, a number of human activities has lead to the mass destruction of the environmental. Because all this is a result of human greed, it the responsibility of us humans to keep a check on this and help in restructuring the environment. Because of the growing population, the roads have become more difficult to use leading to traffic problems and pollution. Similarly, emission from vehicles is also damaging our environment and also causing a number of respiratory disorders in humans. The solution to the above mentioned and many other such problems is the use of the public transport system and for that it has become important to strengthen it and make it more comfortable, accessible and affordable for the general public. At BusForUs we strive hard to achieve this. Currently, we are involved with MSRTC to achieve these objectives. But given a chance we would definitely work with other transport bodies in our country.
In this competitive world, to promote public transport using innovative and unique methods.
In today’s age of marketing and digitalization, everything is accessible on one click because of which the world is at ones fingertips.. We at Bus for Us strive hard to include MSRTC in that world.
In order to survive in this world of competition it has become important to embrace change.
So it has become necessary to project MSRTC in that sense so that it can stand the test of time in this competitive world. Over the years, MSRTC has taken some crucial steps and made some changes. We at BusForUs want to display this change to the passengers and general public to strengthen MSRTC and in return make public transport strong.
The members of our organization on the have been striving hard to make people know about the changes occurring in this organization.